
Year: 2018

  • What is (not) in the Brexit no-deal paper for chemicals

    September 26, 2018

    By Malik Duhaut While Brexit is in the mind of all policy makers in Brussels and national capitals, businesses are still in the process of mitigating, if not understanding, potential risks for their supply chain and how the future UK regulatory framework will look like. The UK tried to clarify the picture for the chemical sector in a guidance document entitled “Regulating chemicals (REACH) if there is no Brexit deal”. This guidance is part of...

  • #FHYearofChange: What’s the biggest gorilla in the room when it comes to talking about a long-term climate strategy?

    September 24, 2018

    With the European elections coming up in 2019, FleishmanHillard Advisory Board Member Chris Davies explains that finding a realistic solution to climate change remains a key priority. He believes that carbon capture and storage needs to be supported by governments in Europe so we can make sure that emissions going in the atmosphere are dramatically reduced. Similarly to renewable energy, this technology needs to be commercially justified in order to generate real results. 2019 represents the...

  • #FHYearofChange: What challenges lie ahead for Europe’s transport policy?

    September 17, 2018

    One of the key topics in the transport sector that will be discussed during Europe's Year of Change in 2019 will be the need for alternative energy solutions to reduce emissions. With the European elections coming up in 2019, FleishmanHillard Advisory Board Member Chris Davies explains that Europe will needs to start reducing emissions with its existing technologies, before transforming its system towards full electrification. He also notes that governments and businesses need to provide transitional...

  • State of the Union 2018: Juncker’s focus on the EU’s global role

    September 17, 2018

    While Juncker did not announce many new legislative proposals in his State of the Union speech, he instead focused on the importance of the EU as a global player, which was a central theme to his speech.   As an official welcome back to work, and kick starting his final year as President of the Commission, Juncker took stock of achievements and provided a forward looking view for the next year in the annual State...

  • New French Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition appointed

    September 11, 2018

    Last week, Mr. François de Rugy was appointed to the position of Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, in replacement of Nicolas Hulot. The latter’s resignation, a popular and high-profile new comer to politics, came as a surprise and a shock, whose wave has further weakened the government of Prime Minister Edouard Philippe. This happened at a difficult time for President Emmanuel Macron and his government, facing feeble growth and several damaging polemics. François...

  • #FHYearofChange: How can business shape Europe’s climate policy?

    September 11, 2018

    2019 represents the “Year of Change” for the European Union (a new European Parliament, a new political leadership for the European Commission, and the formal departure of the UK as a member of the EU). With the European elections coming up in 2019, FleishmanHillard Advisory Board Member, Chris Davies, encourages businesses to prepare now for the upcoming changes in the EU. For Davies, while a lot has been made in terms of developing renewable energy...

  • #FHYearOfChange: Which healthcare issues should be on your radar past 2019?

    September 3, 2018

    2019 represents the “Year of Change” for the European Union (a new European Parliament, a new political leadership for the European Commission, and the formal departure of the UK as a member of the EU). With the European elections coming up in 2019, Senior Vice President and Director of Public Affairs, Teresa Calvano, notes what issues you should have on your radar in the healthcare sector. For Calvano, the rise of e-health, the digital transformation...

  • Louise Day meets Marco Ricorda to talk about social influencers

    August 27, 2018

    Our Digital, Social and Creative Louise Day recently met the Head of Social Media for the ALDE Group, Marco Ricorda, for a quick chat about the rise of social influencers. The conversation helped to better understand what social influencers are, where we can find them and whether they are a good fit for organisations involved in Public Affairs in Brussels. To further the discussion on social influencers, check out our recent articles on our definition of...

  • Welcoming Marcel Halma to talk about Corporate Activism

    August 27, 2018

    A few weeks ago, our Social, Digital and Creative team convened a small group of forward-thinking communicators from companies, trade associations, NGOs and EU institutions to explore what corporate activism means and what organisations should do in a time of seismic political and culture change. Marcel Halma of AkzoNobel, a recognised thought leader in the public affairs world joined us to share his take on the state of corporate activism, sparking questions like: - What, if...

  • #FHYearOfChange: Which issues should be on your radar in technology past 2019?

    July 30, 2018

    2019 represents the “Year of Change” for the European Union (a new European Parliament, a new political leadership for the European Commission, and the formal departure of the UK as a member of the EU). With the European elections coming up in 2019, Senior Vice President and Director of Public Affairs, Teresa Calvano, notes what issues you should have on your radar in the technology sector. Artificial intelligence (AI), data and blockchain are set to...