
Year: 2011

  • Consequences of Britain’s summit veto

    December 22, 2011

    It’s too early to gauge the real impact of David Cameron’s veto at the European Council in the early hours of December 9 and the decision of 26 countries to devise a new treaty, but there have been straws in the wind over recent days which indicate how positions are evolving and which will set the agenda for 2012. One consequence of Cameron’s self-imposed isolation in Brussels has been a surge in articles and interviews...

  • 2011: A Year in Review

    December 19, 2011

    2011 has been a year of political turbulence in the European Union and around the world. Ilana Bet-El, Senior Policy Advisor at Fleishman-Hillard Brussels, takes a look back at the major geopolitical developments of the last twelve months, a year that has seen seismic political, economic and social change across the globe. Read: 2011 A Year in Review...

  • Making Public Affairs More Effective

    December 14, 2011

    Fleishman-Hillard digital strategist Steffen Thejll-Moller explains how digital tools can make public affairs strategies more effective. Writing on his own blog, Steffen uses an infographic that starts from the basic activities of a public affairs professional in Brussels to explain how different forms of digital communications and specific digital tools can be used in support of public affairs activities, such as monitoring and intelligence, third party mobilisation and direct advocacy towards policymakers...

  • UK Veto: Cameron’s Tough Choice

    December 12, 2011

    FH Brussels’ Michael Berendt reflects on the UK veto and what it means for the European Union, the UK’s role in Brussels and party politics in Britain. A former senior Commission official and journalist, Michael writes that Cameron failed to build upon natural alliances with other centre-right national leaders after the decision to withdraw from the European People’s Party. You can read more on our FH Brussels’ team Public Affairs 2.0 blog.

  • Little choice for Cameron in Europe à la carte

    December 9, 2011

    This week’s summit in Brussels has certainly been a defining moment in the history of the European Union. The UK’s decision to block any revision to the existing EU treaties as part of the package to save the euro is confirmation that we live in a Europe à la carte. Whether it proves to be a “two-speed Europe” only time will tell. That depends on how the eurozone evolves. Given Britain’s position outside the euro and...

  • What do Michael O’Leary, Dr Margaret Chan, Vivienne Westwood, Andrew Witty, and Eric Schmidt have in common?

    December 6, 2011

    Let me start with telling you who they are. Perhaps that will help. Michael O'Leary is the Chief Executive of Ryanair we love to hate. Vivienne Westwood is a leading fashion designer; you know the one with the shocking red hair. Dr Chan is the formidable Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO). Andrew Witty is the omnipresent CEO of GlaxoSmithKline Group. And Eric Schmidt is the Executive Chairman of Google, all the way from Mountain View, California. It’s...

  • FH Podcast: Alumni series – exploring PA #1 – Barry Lynham, Knauf

    November 30, 2011

    Lots of smart and interesting people have worked for FH Brussels over the years. Many of them are still here, but some have moved on. Over the next few months we'll be chatting to a few of the people who fall under the latter, to explore how the practice of communications, especially PA, differs depending on the nature of the organisation, and how PA has developed over the years, in Brussels and beyond. First up, we...

  • The Future of Brussels Public Affairs

    November 30, 2011

    Barry Lynham, Head of European Public Affairs at Knauf Insulation, talks to Fleishman-Hillard Brussels in our latest podcast about the future of public affairs in Brussels, the increasing sophistication of public affairs and the need for Brussels based public affairs actors to go beyond Brussels. The podcast is the latest in a series from Fleishman-Hillard in Brussels that is available for free subscription on iTunes. Read: Fleishman-Hillard Podcast: Alumni Series – Exploring PA #1, Barry...

  • Celebrating 20 Years of our Brussels Office

    November 23, 2011

    Our office in Brussels first opened in doors in 1991. Both the European Union and Fleishman-Hillard in Brussels have seen significant change in the twenty years that have passed since then. To celebrate the milestone Fleishman-Hillard in Brussels created a specially produced video that tells the story of the office and the public affairs and strategic communications services we undertake for our clients.

  • Join Us For ‘Communicating Science’ Event

    November 21, 2011

    Thursday, 24 November, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. CET While science can provide incredible insights, it’s not always easy to communicate it. The impact of European legislation on scientific processes and chemical substances is rapidly growing. So how can scientific evidence be made compelling and convincing to policymakers? How can it be presented to help them and journalists cut through the masses of information and misinformation? At a lunch discussion, “Communicating Science,” Fleishman-Hillard chemicals specialist Aaron...