

  • #FHYearOfChange: What can we expect from the European Commission?

    June 19, 2018

    2019 represents the “Year of Change” for the European Union (a new European Parliament, a new political leadership for the European Commission, and the formal departure of the UK as a member of the EU). With the European elections coming up in 2019, Senior Vice President of Financial Services, Mette Grolleman, encourages others to get engaged now in writing the future of Europe. The 2019 elections will mean a new head of the European Commission...

  • How can the EU communicate better in a year of change?

    June 12, 2018

    How can the EU communicate better? That age-old question that we'll never stop asking (and shouldn't). My take in a few points: The EU needs to meet people "where they are" and drop the "Brussels knows best" mentality - EVEN if this feels weird to do. Anything that smacks of elitism just plays as condescension. The EU needs to admit that it doesn't have everything right and needs to improve (see Macron agenda!). Anything less...

  • Countdown to the 2019 European elections – the outlook so far

    June 5, 2018

    The next European elections are set to take place in just under twelve months’ time. Currently, the EU is having to prove its value to many of its members and assert its importance to its neighbours. The European project always seems to feel under threat to some extent and probably more so now than ever. Therefore, we need to ask ourselves what this uncertainty means for citizens, businesses and clients and how will it be represented...

  • 16 Months to Deliver and Build the Future of Europe: A Few Take Aways from President Juncker’s 2017 State of the Union Speech

    September 15, 2017

    During what is seen as a defining moment for European Commission President Junkers legacy, the ‘State of the Union’ speech on September 13, Juncker delivered a speech that was passionate and very personal and as expected very pro-European. Reflecting on the change of circumstances from the last speech like this in 2016 where there was a sense of existential risk for the EU following Brexit, and the upcoming elections in France and elsewhere, he sought...