climate change
‘Hemicycle Views’: Interviewing MEP Julie Girling (EPP)
March 15, 2019
In 2009 Julie Girling was elected Conservative MEP representing South West England and Gibraltar. Today she sits within the Group of the European People's Party (EPP). During her 10 years in the European Parliament Girling has held positions such as chief whip of the Conservatives in the European Parliament and UK spokesman for agriculture – a sector in which she has been very influential. Girling is a notable member of the Environment, Public Health and...
EU Climate & Energy Policy: Ending the year with a bang
December 19, 2018
A landmark year for the EU energy and climate policy draws to a close. The European institutions are finalising complex agreements on new rules for the internal electricity market as part of the Clean Energy Package adopted by the European Commission in November 2016. Regulations aimed at cutting emissions of light and heavy vehicles are also reaching towards the final stage of negotiations between the Council and the Parliament. Over the past months, the European...
Energy policy: What are the priorities for the next Commission starting in 2019? #FHYearofChange
October 30, 2018
2019 represents the Year of Change in many sectors, including energy policy. Specialised in environmental and energy policy, Kaja Hengstenberg talks about the many priorities for the next Commission. She outlines the different discussions that will emerge regarding the Clean Energy Package, energy taxation, gas legislation and the Governance of the Energy Union. Unfortunately, we can't predict how these discussions will unfold. Yet, we can confirm that the EU will seek to maintain a global role...
#FHYearofChange: What’s the biggest gorilla in the room when it comes to talking about a long-term climate strategy?
September 24, 2018
With the European elections coming up in 2019, FleishmanHillard Advisory Board Member Chris Davies explains that finding a realistic solution to climate change remains a key priority. He believes that carbon capture and storage needs to be supported by governments in Europe so we can make sure that emissions going in the atmosphere are dramatically reduced. Similarly to renewable energy, this technology needs to be commercially justified in order to generate real results. 2019 represents the...
New French Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition appointed
September 11, 2018
Last week, Mr. François de Rugy was appointed to the position of Minister for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, in replacement of Nicolas Hulot. The latter’s resignation, a popular and high-profile new comer to politics, came as a surprise and a shock, whose wave has further weakened the government of Prime Minister Edouard Philippe. This happened at a difficult time for President Emmanuel Macron and his government, facing feeble growth and several damaging polemics. François...
#FHYearofChange: How can business shape Europe’s climate policy?
September 11, 2018
2019 represents the “Year of Change” for the European Union (a new European Parliament, a new political leadership for the European Commission, and the formal departure of the UK as a member of the EU). With the European elections coming up in 2019, FleishmanHillard Advisory Board Member, Chris Davies, encourages businesses to prepare now for the upcoming changes in the EU. For Davies, while a lot has been made in terms of developing renewable energy...
#FHYearOfChange: Which environmental issues should be on your radar past 2019?
July 23, 2018
2019 represents the “Year of Change” for the European Union (a new European Parliament, a new political leadership for the European Commission, and the formal departure of the UK as a member of the EU). With the European elections coming up in 2019, Senior Vice President and Director of Public Affairs, Teresa Calvano, notes what environmental issues you should have on your radar. Climate policy and circular economy are set to be huge buzzwords and...
Delivering Paris – a new roadmap for 2050? Roundtable report
June 19, 2018
On 12 June 2018, FleishmanHillard hosted an EnergiseEurope roundtable to discuss perspectives for the EU’s long-term decarbonisation strategy due to be published by the European Commission by the end of the year. Megan Richards, Director Energy Policy at the European Commission's DG Energy, talked to us about the process for the drafting of the document, while Antje Fiehn, Senior Manager European Energy and Climate Policy at the Confederation of German Industry (BDI) presented the results...
Energise europe roundtable : Delivering the 2050 decarbonisation target – Perspectives from the European Commission and the German industry
May 23, 2018
At the March European Council, Heads of State and Government requested the European Commission to present by Q1 2019 an updated strategy for how Europe will deliver its 2050 decarbonisation target in line with the Paris Agreement, taking into account national plans. Member States will need to begin working on their integrated national energy and climate plans once the Energy Union Governance package is agreed, which will have to ensure consistency with the European Union’s...
Climate, Finance and Trade – Is Climate Policy the next trade battleground? If President Macron wins the argument, yes.
March 28, 2018
The debate on how to finance Europe’s transition to a low carbon economy has seen a significant political crescendo over the last months. The most important talks on new spending and financing options are taking place within the context of the next Multi-Financial Framework, where Member States are discussing whether and how to better align those options to help the EU achieve its policy priorities, among which climate and environment targets. Some Member States have...