
Group: Services

  • FH2050

    July 1, 2020

    The global COVID-19 crisis has catalyzed Europe’s ambition to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, placing the green recovery front and centre for all sectors. Consumer awareness, global leadership and environmental and social resilience are examples of the drivers that will impact change. For all companies, across all sectors, managing the regulatory and political environment and being part of the conversation will be an essential part of effective public affairs engagement in the post-COVID landscape. Our...

  • Political Intelligence & Policy Monitoring

    April 26, 2016

    The European Union political machine is complex. But given the ever-growing impact of EU legislation on your bottom line, it is crucial to understand and monitor the processes and outputs of the European institutions. FleishmanHillard’s team has been working in and around the EU’s political institutions for many years and is perfectly placed to deliver intelligence on the key political drivers in the EU: the people who are the decision-makers political trends and relationships the...

  • Events Management

    April 26, 2016

    What kind of event will best unify and motivate political stakeholders to support your organisation’s priorities and interests? At FleishmanHillard, we become immersed in your company’s priorities at the European level to build events from the ground up, events that effectively amplify your public affairs and communications messages with the right audiences. Our team will: create an experience and integrate your political messages in ways that will resonate with your audience and drive behaviour oversee...

  • Research & Measurement (TRUE Global Intelligence)

    April 26, 2016

    The expression is well-known: Facts are stubborn things. But it’s that stubbornness to being true that makes them crucial when telling your story – whether by establishing authentic communications or uncovering the insight that sparks a powerful idea. Yet, facts alone are not enough for shaping success. It is through deliberate data gathering and thoughtful analysis of facts that we are able to unlock insights and generate the transformative ideas that shape a company’s success...

  • Reputation Management

    April 26, 2016

    Your reputation may very well be your organisation’s most important asset. Credible, well-respected reputations are built over time. FleishmanHillard knows that by doing the right thing and taking the appropriate credit, you can support your business objectives and solidify your brand amongst policymakers. Our experts will help you: measure your brand value and identify untapped opportunities that will enhance your reputation amongst the policy-making community develop strategies to rebuild and sustain trust during unprecedented economic...

  • Media Relations

    April 26, 2016

    FleishmanHillard’s media relations professionals know what makes a story — and have forged trusted relationships with those in the EU press corps who are most interested in telling those stories. Our senior media lead and sector based specialists work with the journalists shaping debate on the issues affecting organisations at an EU level every day of the week. Because we’ve become a trusted and valued source of information to journalists in Brussels and in national...

  • Digital & Social Media

    April 26, 2016

    The EU arena has changed dramatically in recent years. Policy audiences, businesses, trade associations, NGOs, media and stakeholders now utilise a range of online channels during and outside work. To make sure your positions are seen and heard in the digital space, you need to integrate your traditional advocacy strategy with an online one, based on tailored content that speaks to your desired audience.  FleishmanHillard knows that when it comes to online communications, the story...

  • Crisis Management

    April 26, 2016

    Companies spend years building a brand, establishing their reputation. Then a crisis hits, and overnight, CEOs and their teams are under siege. The FleishmanHillard crisis management approach, or A.R.C.™ methodology, applies a series of proven tools throughout the process to help manage reputation in the face of crises. Our global team of senior crisis counselors is certified against the methodology – and equipped with all its proprietary tools – through our industry-leading training program. FleishmanHillard’s...