#FHYearOfChange: Which healthcare issues should be on your radar past 2019?

Teresa Calvano, Jacques Foul

2019 represents the “Year of Change” for the European Union (a new European Parliament, a new political leadership for the European Commission, and the formal departure of the UK as a member of the EU).

With the European elections coming up in 2019, Senior Vice President and Director of Public Affairs, Teresa Calvano, notes what issues you should have on your radar in the healthcare sector.

For Calvano, the rise of e-health, the digital transformation of healthcare systems, data access and Intellectual Property Protection will open up interesting debates policymakers and businesses will need to be prepared for.

If you want to learn more about the key questions organisations should ask themselves in 2019, follow the link below.

#FHYearofChange: What are the key questions you are going to be asking yourself in the EU’s year of change?