Learning from Obama: Digital Tools in Political Campaigns

Last week saw a veritable festival of events here at Fleishman-Hillard Brussels. We held a discussion on climate change and energy with NGOs on Wednesday as well as a talk from our very own DC colleague Bill Black on how the Presidential candidates in the US are using digital tools in this week’s election on Monday. For the US election event our own digital strategist Steffen Thejll-Moller sought to bring us down to earth by explaining how some of the principles of the digital approach employed by the candidates could be used here in our EU public affairs setting.

Surprisingly given last week was a school holiday and interrupted by a ‘pont’ in the shape of the 1 November on Thursday, we had a packed house for both events. If you were one of the few to escape the Brussels dark grey, here’s the slides from Bill that had attendees from industry, political parties and the EU institutions glued to their seats.

If you’re interested in future FH Brussels events, go to this page and add the RSS feed to your reader. We would be happy to have you along.


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