Energise Europe roundtable: “How to tackle the social challenges of the energy transition?”
The long term target set by the Paris Agreement of “zero net emissions by the end of the century” will impact all economic activities. It requires to be well understood and accompanied by measures to ensure that those negatively affected will also be able to adapt to the new situation. This is the case of sectors such as coal, which will go through substantial transformation. Utilities are already adapting to the transition challenges.
Retraining employees and creating the right competences for the jobs needed by the new sectors to emerge from the energy transition are among the main measures to be taken to mitigate the negative impact, or to anticipate the positive impact. Entire regions of a number of countries may also be affected by the energy transition as some activities will be phased out while others will be developed at a fast pace.
Actions that might be undertaken would need to be adequately identified and may include the identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the energy sector of EU countries and regions, the identifications of the sectors requiring new competences and supports (skills creation, training, support schemes) or whose jobs will be transformed and which measures could accompany them (compensations and retraining.
There are already a number of important initiatives which have been taken to tackle these issues such as the Platform for the Coal Regions in Transition, the creation of a European observatory of energy poverty, the idea to create a European Fund for the Adjustment to the Energy Transition or the Erasmus Pro Programme with a green strand for young apprentices.
Join FleishmanHillard’s energy team and leading thinkers from the industrial and energy sectors for a roundtable to discuss the way the challenges of the social consequences of the energy transition can be addressed, and which initiatives and actions could be implemented across Europe. You can also fill in our survey to bring your inputs to the discussion and ask your questions: click here!
The round table will be introduced and moderated by Jean-Arnold VINOIS, FleishmanHillard’s International Advisory Board, and an Honorary Director of the European Commission, with the following agenda:
- The platform of coal regions in transition launched by the European Commission in December 2017
Presented by Aleksandra TOMCZAK, European Commission, DG Energy – Policy Coordinator, Coal; Retail Electricity and Gas markets
- Sustainable transitions in the energy world
Presented by Nicola MELCHIOTTI – ENEL – Head of European Public Affairs & Regulation
- Industrial regions and climate policies
Presented by Benjamin DENIS, European Trade Union Confederation – Advisor for Energy policy, Sustainable Development / Climate Change and ETUC project on industrial regions and climate policies
The round table will be concluded by Sami ANDOURA, EPSC – Team Leader Sustainable Development will conclude the discussion
20th March 2018, 12.00-14.00
FleishmanHillard Offices, 35 Square de Meeûs, 1000 Brussels
A lunch will be served from 12.00
For more information and registration, [email protected]. RSVP by Friday 16th March.
Follow us on Twitter: @FH_EnergyEU
Thibault leads the Integrated Communications and Reputation Management team. He is also Head of Media relations and a Certified Crisis counsellor, and leads the DE&I work of the FleishmanHillard EU. Thibault has a strong experience in Strategic and Corporate communications, public relations and public affairs....
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