Re-designing the Rag - a new entrant from the old media

An invite to the relaunch event for the European Voice dropped into the inbox this afternoon. It seems they are doing some major renovation works on this venerable Brussels public affairs trade publication/institution. The question remains whether it shall just be a clean of the facade or a gutting of the entire building.

The latter seems more likely. While we’ve seen nothing, rumour has it that the accompanying website refit will move the European Voice site to an all bells and whistles EU information portal. You may have noted that they have already introduced a policy voices section to their current somewhat jaded looking site, moving them somewhat in this direction.

Of course, Euractiv has been stealing much of the online thunder in this space and it is no surprise that the folks at the Economist group are feeling a little bit old media. The Entre Nous column has lost much of its appeal (too much institutional stuff, not enough gossip) and the reporting of institutional events is now quicker (and with links) on Euractiv’s site. In terms of editorial comment, the just as venerable FT gives a far better account of itself in the paper and in their correspondents’ Brussels blog.

So let’s hope the online changes do the EV justice and give other online platforms a run for their money due to the quality of their reporting and analysis. We look forward to seeing it unveiled over several glasses of champagne at the reception.


Brussels Blogger
March 27, 2008 | 8:04 PM

Already looking forward to the new European Voice online. Over the longer term, a weekly print-only publication will have it difficult to survive. There is no way around the web. And I hope that EV goes for complete free only model online. Subscription can remain for real intelligence service but not for news and comments (as good, fresh or whatever they might be).