Which MEPs are Twittering? I know a few...

Following on from our digital audit of MEPS last year, we now want to know which MEPs have caught the Twitter bug…

These are just a few we’ve found so far:

  1. Graham Watson
  2. Matthias Groote
  3. Katrin Saks
  4. Benoit Hamon
  5. Eoin Ryan
  6. Neena Gill
  7. Arlene McCarthy
  8. Peter Skinner
  9. Jim Nicholson
  10. Mary Honeyball
  11. Andrew Duff
  12. Daniel Caspary
  13. Jules Maaten
  14. Jeanine Hennis
  15. Sophie in ‘t Veld
  16. Daniel Cohn-Bendit
  17. Åsa Westlund
  18. Anna Hedh
  19. Kathalijne Buitenweg
  20. Helga Truepel
  21. Colm Burke
  22. Joost Lagendijk
  23. Gunnar Hökmark
  24. Dagmar Roth-Behrendt
  25. Alexander Alvaro
  26. Jorgo Chatzimarkakis
  27. Richard Corbett
  28. Ed McMillan-Scott
  29. Rodi Kratsa
  30. Vincent Peillon
  31. Urszula Gacek
  32. Jean luc Bennahmias
  33. Catherine Trautmann
  34. Bernadette Vergnaud

If you have come across any, please let us know. We shall update this list as we get new names.


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P.S. As we mentioned in a previous post, the utility of Twitter is still not clear to us. We do find Daily Show host John Stewart’s opinion about Twitter quite humorous: “They’re struggling because they confused new with good.”

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Posts I’ve enjoyed on this blog « Public Affairs 2.0
April 09, 2010 | 1:06 PM

[...] how policy-makers were interacting with voters and stakeholders. To support our view we created a long list of MEPs, the good folks at Europatweets aggregated them a couple of months later on their nice website, [...]

May 20, 2009 | 4:01 PM

You can find them all (plus de candidates to the EU elections) on http://europatweets.eu (you can browse them by country and political group and even get a widget displaying their latest tweets in real time on your blog! ) :-)

Connecting Europe – EU Elections (1) « Mundo Project
April 21, 2009 | 5:11 PM

[...] in the US, and 116 are using Twitter, or 22%. There are 785 members of the European Parliament, and 27 are using Twitter, or 3.5%”. I’m going to write it again, just for fun: [...]

Let’s compare: Tweeting MEPs vs. Tweeting Congressmen « Public Affairs 2.0
April 06, 2009 | 11:31 AM

[...] are 785 members of the European Parliament, and 27 are using Twitter, or [...]

March 26, 2009 | 12:11 AM


March 23, 2009 | 12:03 PM

Dagmar Roth-Behrendt: http://twitter.com/DRothBehrendt

March 22, 2009 | 4:46 PM

Krispijn, Thanks for the idea - we think we've cracked it and you'll now find a feed of all the MEP Tweets on our blog's sidebar. As we see more MEPs a-twittering we shall of course add them. James

March 20, 2009 | 3:52 PM

Thanks to Cedric, Jon, Stephen, and Krispijn for sending extra Twittering MEPs - we've updated the list. Please do keep'em coming! Rob

March 19, 2009 | 11:34 PM

Would be good to have a site with all their tweets on it. For your list: Joost Lagendijk http://twitter.com/joostlagendijk Judith ... (GroenLinks) http://twitter.com/judithineuropa

March 19, 2009 | 11:16 PM

Colm Burke (FG/EPP) http://twitter.com/ColmBurkeMEP

Jon Worth
March 19, 2009 | 6:27 PM

Åsa Westlund - http://twitter.com/asawestlund Anna Hedh - http://twitter.com/AnnaHedh Kathalijne Buitenweg - http://twitter.com/kathalijne Helga Truepel - http://twitter.com/HelgaTruepel

March 19, 2009 | 6:19 PM

There is also Daniel Cohn-Bendit: http://twitter.com/danycohnbendit