Mapping the Euroblogosphere: what are the must-read EU political blogs?

Difficult question, one to which we would be tempted to answer: all of them. But as that wouldn’t be of much help, we’ve had a go at making our own selection of the must-read EU political blogs, also known as Euroblogs.

Inspired by previous attempts such as those of NoseMonkey, Jon Worth, the Bloggingportal and Lobby Planet, we’ve created Fleishman-Hillard’s own selection of Euroblogs in our brand new Netvibes page here, for anyone to follow with ease if you don’t do so already. Netvibes is a time-saving tool that allows you to see on one single web page the headlines of all your favourite websites.

We have chosen to classify the blogs in the following categories: journalists, citizens -blogs whose authors write in their personal capacity-, EU officials, Commissioners, MEPs, corporate, and collectively written blogs – including NGOs, think tanks and political parties. As Steffen explained last week, in the current state of the EU blogosphere there are not yet quite enough EU political blogs to make a classification by policy sector, but hopefully this is changing and we’ll soon be able to develop a parallel policy dashboard.

Beyond the author categories we have selected 10 must-read Euroblogs. What are the must-read Euroblogs? The longest-standing? The most read? The most quoted? The most controversial? The most productive? The English-speaking ones? Well, there is no magic formula. Our selection is a combination of objective criteria and insider knowledge of the blogging community. It’s a selection of some of the most emblematic Euroblogs.

Finally, in our selection of top EU political blogs, we have added the feeds of Bloggingportal and Blogactiv. The Bloggingportal’s team of volunteer editors selects the best EU-related blog posts amongst over 600 blogs. You can also subscribe by email to Bloggingportal’s weekly digest here. Taking a look at the articles posted on the blogging platform Blogactiv can also give you an indication of what the trending topics in the EU blogosphere are.

This Euroblog selection will evolve with time for two main reasons:

In short, this is work in progress so feel free to suggest edits or additions! We hope you will find it useful and that it will help you get more familiar with the Euroblogging community.



.eu, a domain to rule them all | Spanishwalker
May 07, 2012 | 11:21 AM

[...] of all, I think .eu domains can play a role as important at the same level that the euroblogosphere is creating debate in EU affairs, and in some sense .eu can also contribute to the European digital [...]

Classements des euro-blogs : l’euro-blogo-sphère comme écosystème | Décrypter la communication européenne
January 22, 2011 | 8:06 PM

[...] connaissances d’initiés de la communauté des blogueurs issu de la pratique régulière du blog « Publics Affairs 2.0 » depuis juin 2007 complète le [...]

Euroblogging roundup (and more from Europe…) | Erkan's Field Diary
July 24, 2010 | 3:53 PM

[...] Mapping the Euroblogosphere: what are the must-read EU political blogs? from Public Affairs 2.0 by fhbrussels [...]

David Herman
July 17, 2010 | 1:38 AM

This study seems to have been quite well spread among bloggers, which is a welcome news despite the report's limitations. We also just published a reaction on our blog to the core issue of effective use of online tools entitled "Online EU affairs communication: where are you, creative people?" - curious to have your views:

July 13, 2010 | 3:38 PM

Thanks Mademmoisellep! Yes I was actually at PdF last year when linkfluence presented this study. Good job.

July 13, 2010 | 3:26 PM

You should spot this (great) map of the eurosphere (Jon Worth already seen it last year at the PDF Europe) made by linkfluence :

July 13, 2010 | 10:35 AM

@Hoover. Dan Hannan and Open Europe are in there. Hardly europhiles!

July 13, 2010 | 10:18 AM

@Hoover the blogs we have put in our Netvibes are not blogs we "promote" but blogs we find interesting, although we might not always agree with what is written in it! If you have suggestions of other blogs, feel free to send them to us!

July 13, 2010 | 9:54 AM

I don't spot any eurosceptic blogs in there. Is that because Fleishman-Hillard depends on the existence of the EU, and it wouldn't look good to your clients if you promoted scepticism?