EU Cloud Computing Strategy: How Will It Impact Your Business?
On Thursday 22 November 2012 Fleishman-Hillard Brussels hosts a roundtable luncheon on the recently released EU Cloud computing strategy.
At this interesting debate, Fleishman-Hillard will welcome two prominent speakers: attendees will hear directly from the EU senior expert who launched the strategy, Mr Ken Ducatel (Head of Unit Software and Services, Cloud Computing at DG Connect, European Commission) and from a representative the leading European cloud provider, Mr Andreas Tegge (Vice President of Government Relations at SAP).
The recently released EU cloud strategy outlines the key actions that will have an impact on EU and non-EU companies. Some of the measures that the European Commission will push for in the coming months include: identification of interoperable standards by 2013, strengthening of data protection, development of EU voluntary certification schemes by 2014, agreement on metrics for energy and water consumption and carbon emissions of cloud services by 2014 and the development of secure contractual terms for cloud services.
The luncheon will be moderated by Michael Bartholomew, Senior Policy Adviser at Fleishman-Hillard Brussels, and will take place under Chatham House rules. As participation is limited, please contact Tatiana Hulko for further information: [email protected] or +32 2 285 46 00
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