Some of our regular readers may have remembered that in a recent post, we mentioned that we were undertaking a digital audit of MEPs. The poor FH souls whose job it was audit all 785 MEPs will go down in history for their services to digital (thanks Jez, Ed, and Karen!).
Anyway we have looked at every MEP to see how they are doing on websites, blogs, facebook wikipedia and so forth. This post will look at the intrepid MEP bloggers. And here they are the key stats:
- 82 89 90 MEPs have blogs, which equates to just over 10% 11% of all MEPs. A full list with hyperlinks is at the bottom of this post.
- France and UK currently have the most MEP bloggers (11), with Spain a close second (10). Germany and new kids on the block Romania follow with 7 8 bloggers each. Surprisingly Italy, a supposedly blogging friendly country, has only 2 MEP bloggers and is easily outstripped by Poland who has 6.
- In terms of groups the socialists are the clear winners with 34 36 37 MEP bloggers and are some way ahead of the EPP who have just 19 20. Meanwhile the Greens, 10 MEP bloggers, are just behind ALDE who have 11 MEP bloggers.
Anyway, for the record, these are the MEP bloggers we’ve found (and been told about!) with hyperlinks to their blogs – if you think we missed any, do let us know:
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January 22, 2011 | 4:41 PM
[...] une étude réalisée auprès des 785 députés européens par le blog Public Affairs 2.0 – dédié à l’usage des outils numériques en politique, affaires publiques et [...]
May 07, 2009 | 12:08 PM
[...] si-a dovedit utilitatea, doar 11,5 dintre europarlamentari au blog (si, daca tot a venit vorba: Romania se afla pe locul cinci, dupa Franta, Marea Britanie, Spania si [...]
February 26, 2009 | 1:39 PM
Thanks Joanna, We will add Ms Sarbu to the list Rob
February 26, 2009 | 12:49 PM
[...] Vazuta intai la Cretu, daca nu ma insel, o statistica conform careia 11,5% dintre europarlamentari sunt bloggeri. Restul cica muncesc. [...]
February 26, 2009 | 12:21 PM
Daciana Sarbu (Romania) also has a very active one:
February 26, 2009 | 2:59 AM
[...] Textul complet e aici. [...]
February 17, 2009 | 9:47 AM
error for jean luc bennahmias good link :
February 16, 2009 | 6:19 PM
To know the french bloggers candidates :
February 13, 2009 | 7:16 PM
[...] | Thought-o-graphy | Vendredi 13 février 2009 18:14 Une étude impressionnante menée par Public Affairs 2.0 révèle que plus d’un député européen sur 10 est blogueur… Je vous copie-colle [...]
August 21, 2008 | 10:18 AM
[...] Euros du Village’s Europe sur le web page. Meanwhile, Public Affairs 2.0 has compiled a handy list of MEP blogs - 89 of them as of August [...]
August 13, 2008 | 10:20 PM
[...] Inventarul blogurilor din Parlamentul European a fost făcut de un site de specialitate, Public Affairs 2.0, care studiază impactul digitalului asupra politicii, administrației publice și comunicării în [...]
August 11, 2008 | 4:43 PM
I don't think she has a blog... Anyway - your blog is fantastic!
August 11, 2008 | 4:07 PM
Thanks Martin, do you have the link to Kaufman's blog. I can't find it, probably due to my terrible German, It is true that some of these MEPs are bloggers in the broadest possible sense of the word. However, rather than delete Chatzim and others, I think we'll have a wider look at regularity of posts and other criteria etc and come up with our very own highly objective top three MEP bloggers in the hopefully near future. Cheers, Rob
August 11, 2008 | 3:34 PM
Hi, it is really nice having the list, so thanks for you PA 2.0 people. Still, although it is nice knowing all these blog, and although its nice comparing figures between the political groups and countries, the content, quality, and regularity of these blogs are quite different and one is rather comparing apples and oranges than getting valuable statistical insights. So I would be careful reading anything particular out of the figures; the list is already quite something. (By the way: The link to Katalin LÉVAI does not work...)
August 11, 2008 | 2:35 PM
thanks for the list, but for German MEP it's not very accurate: 1) You accidentally link leftist Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann to a working group of the Berlin green party (communal level) 2) Blog of Jorgo Chatzimarkakis is outdated (last entry 2006), so I would not consider him a blogger
August 11, 2008 | 12:14 AM
Thanks to those who have pointed out ones we've missed - we get them added to the list. Let hope they don't skew the stats too much :) This is very much a quick n' dirty analysis and you're right Chresten that the Danes appear to be leading the way, proportionally speaking. When we've got some spare time it'll be worth looking at some other criteria (e.g. men v women, young v old MEPs, new member states v. old ones etc. etc.)
August 09, 2008 | 5:08 PM
There is another Romanian one, MEP Adina Valean from ALDE, at
August 08, 2008 | 7:07 PM
Useful list! Perhaps it might be handy to list which ones are actually updated (sometime in the last month?) There are also some here that don't have RSS feeds - doesn't make them easy to follow!
August 08, 2008 | 6:49 PM
You missed at least one, indeed. That is Mrs. Laima Andrikiene (EPP-ED, Lithuania). The link to her blog is
August 08, 2008 | 6:21 PM
Thanks a lot for sharing this list! That is very handy! Did you also interview these MEPs about their motivation to blog or how they use blogging....? Let's hope blogging gets a bit more popular with the European elections next year...
August 08, 2008 | 5:07 PM
[...] analyse hos Public Affairs 2.0 har vist at 82 af Europaparlamentets 785 MEP’ere er bloggere. Flest MEP bloggere findes i [...]
August 08, 2008 | 4:50 PM
An interesting analysis, but somewhat superficial. A quick look at the list of MEP bloggers reveals that of the 82 MEP bloggers 6 are Danes. Denmark has 14 MEPs while France has 78 and Spain 54. The relative measure of MEP bloggers is then DK 42%, Spain 19% and France 14%. I haven't gone over the other bloggers. But my guess is that Denmark has the most MEP bloggers - relatively speaking.