The Down & Dirty of Digital Government

BBC via

The devil, they say, is in the detail and it is interesting how the debate on e-government is developing in the UK. This article from the BBC website talks about the move on from a starry-eyed reaction to Obama-esque digi-campaigning (or Election 2.0) to a practical, cost-driven desire to drive all access to government and government services online. It is this, they argue, more than anything which is driving Government pressure on suppliers to push broadband out to everyone. It may be exciting to exercise one’s democratic rights online, but it may be more useful to be able to get the bins emptied too.

Nick A

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Broadband: a legal right! « Erkan's Field Diary
October 15, 2009 | 11:35 PM

[...] The Down & Dirty of Digital Government from Public Affairs 2.0 BBC via [...]