A brief definition: digital

Public Affairs 2.0 uses the word ‘digital’ a lot. It’s a term used frequently in the Public Relations and Public Affairs business, but it is not immediately clear to someone unfamiliar with our specific lexicon.

Digital does not mean ‘digital’ as in a digital calculator, or a digital watch, or a digital screen. For people in PR and PA, digital means communications over the internet.

Fleishman-Hillard’s global digital team offers this definition:

Digital Communications (n.) Myriad of outbound communications tactics that leverage digital technology to deliver messages: e-mail, video, text messaging, online advertising, paid search, optimized press releases, podcasts, vodcasts, etc.

So, the display below standing out front of the European Parliament building in Strasbourg last week is not digital communications, though the affiliated website is a digital ‘tool’. Using both online and offline tools in a coordinated campaign is what we call integrated communications.

Humane Society

thanks you

for not clubbing this seal.


Apa itu Digital Campaign????? : Blog@tmo
May 29, 2009 | 3:07 PM

[...] Campaign secara definitif meskipun contohnya jelas-jelas berhubungan dengan kampanye. Misalnya blog Pagoesdigital di Wordpress.com hanya menyinggung pengertian Digital yang sering digunakan di bisnis Public Relation dan Public [...]

May 29, 2009 | 12:39 PM

Hi, i'm just surfing your blog to find Digital Campaign definition. Your article very valuable for me. My company just start to use term "Digital Campaign" in his yearly Bubuawards competition. Take a look to bubuawards.com to see how we try to understand Digital Campaign. Thanks