Need help with Google Analytics? Guess who rides to the rescue.

Google is the big friendly monster, out to hug you and provide you with all sorts of free help. In some way, it is sort of frightening. But those of us who help build websites for a living shouldn’t complain when the ‘Analytics Evangelist’, the man behind Google Analytics, offers advice on how to use that service.

The Official Google Blog is publishing a series on measurement, and the first article discusses bounce rates. If you think this means the number of times per hour that someone jumps up and down on your website, you definitely need to read the article.

Key learning: ‘Puked’ is actually a technical digital term.


Internet Marketing and Online Community Manager
August 30, 2010 | 10:21 PM

well, short and to the point. I am glad Google is helping somewhat.

February 23, 2009 | 4:10 PM

Thanks for catching - the links are now linked.

Julien Frisch
February 23, 2009 | 3:34 PM

I think you forgot the links in the links... ;-)