Stories of Parliamentarians and officials who lead second lives in Strasbourg are not uncommon, let’s face it most of us have danced on the bartop of Les Aviateurs at some point in our careers. But today’s debate on the Leinen report on the opening of the IGC allowed EU Communicator in Chief Margot Wallstrom the opportunity to slip in what must be Second Life’s (SL) first mention in the European Parliament’s plenary session. Margot made passing reference to SL when she referred to the Jesus-like resurrection of the dead parrot that was the Constitutional Treaty and now is of course a series of long footnotes.
Unfortunately Margot struggled to make herself heard above MEPs filling the hemicycle for votes, so whether our MEPs will be motivated to reach out to voters on Second Life over the summer recess is still unclear. However, should the rain continue we may all have to find a virtual bit of sunshine in August.
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The challenges facing Europe and European leaders at Davos 2025
January 24, 2025